Therapy for Depression, Anxiety, Interpersonal Issues and Parenting Support


Do I Need Therapy?

Many people feel stuck, lonely, overwhelmed, afraid, or lost. These issues are incredibly common for adults, particularly those with inadequate social support. If you have experienced these feelings, you are not alone. In fact, about one in every ten adults in the U.S. currently struggle with a diagnosable mental health problem (Compton et al, 2006).

A Few Common Red Flags Of Mental Health Issues In Adulthood Include:

  • Loss of interest or motivation

  • Social isolation

  • Relationship problems (divorce, dating, communication, etc.)

  • Suicidal thoughts

  • Constant worry

  • Sleep issues

  • Trauma or loss

  • Changes in sex drive

  • Major life transitions (moving to a new place, changing careers, etc.)

  • Difficulty performing at work

  • Feeling down or depressed

The easiest way to determine whether or not someone may benefit from therapy services is to identify a specific problem or area of dysfunction. For example, your feelings of low motivation may keep you from wanting to go to work or school. Similarly, maladaptive coping habits such as drinking alcohol to decrease feelings of sadness may keep you from spending time with friends or loved ones. Or, perhaps you survived a traumatic incident and struggle to feel safe despite the absence of threat. If you feel like your life is headed anywhere but the direction you want, do not wait. Psychotherapy can help you overcome life’s difficulties and move closer to a happier, healthier existence.

Do you feel that you need support as a parent and are struggling with the best way to form a solid relationship with your child? We provide parenting support for new parents, parenting support for 3-5 year olds, for children 4-12 years old, and adolescents. To get started call us today: (248)325-8027 or email us at